



India Technology Automation Group

Intelligent Technology Automation Group

India Technology Automation Group

Internet of Things

iHub – is the Intelligent Hub or Gateway that provides the Data Flow of iTags to the Cloud.

iFob – is the Intelligent Freight On Board Supply Chain Ecosystem

iTags – are BLE Tags without Batteries, with Sensors

iBytes – is the Data Flow and Intelligence gathering from Sensors on the iTags


iHub - LTE Gateway

iBridge - Transmitter

iTag - NFC, RFID, Bluetooth

iTag - Introducing Intelligent Tags for IoT

Low-cost IoT sensor tags

The iTag Electronic Label is  Bluetooth and our proprietary Product Portfolio

iHub is the Intelligent Hub or Gateway that provides the Data Flow of iTags to the Cloud.

iFob is the Intelligent Freight On Board Supply Chain Ecosystem


The iTag/iHub Warehouse Workflow

Artificial Intelligence Learning Models for the iTag Eco-System


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